By creating a self-made book, one will learn the technique of making small art books, a method used by artist Ieva Nagliņa.
Books may be created by applying DIY (Do It Yourself) principle, i.e., they can be easily created from materials available at home, and the technique involves the second-hand principle as well, as already printed papers – magazines, newspapers, old books, etc. – are used.
Books created this way are sometimes present in the works of Ieva Nagliņa as she uses collage and mixed techniques for her works.
Needed: Old newspapers and/or magazines. People can bring it with them.
Ieva Naglina (1981) is artist and curator, works and lives in Riga, Latvia. Graduated Art Academy of Latvia graphic department (2007).
Ieva Naglina
In creative work Ieva uses graphic, painting and mixed media. In audio-visual performance project “AINA”, she collaborates with different DJ’s and musicians. Naglina is also a curator at the Riga Porcelain Museum , she works with contemporary graphic and ceramic art works. From 2016 are program curator of international festival “Printmaking IN” in Riga, Latvia. Roles the broadcast about art “Subjektīvie mērījumi” (Subjective measurements) in radio “NABA” (Latvia).