
grace (n.) - simple elegance or refinement of movement
Grace Period - an extended period granted as a special favor
The Three Graces (Greek Mythology) - charm, grace, and beauty

Arantxa Araujo, Colgada, 2018, Grace Exhibition Space, Photo by Wei Chao


Opened in 2006, Grace Exhibition Space is devoted exclusively to Performance Art. We offer an opportunity to experience visceral and challenging works by the current generation of international performance artists whether emerging, mid-career or established. Our events are presented on the floor, not on a stage, dissolving the boundary between artist and viewer. This is how performance art is meant to be experienced and our mission is the glorification of performance art.

Grace Exhibition Space presents over 30 curated live performance art exhibitions each year, showcasing new work by more than 1000 performance artists from across the United States and the world since 2006.

our mission:

To offer live performance art exhibitions to the public, including contemporary visual performance, for the public to experience visceral and challenging performance works by the current generation of domestic and international performance artists. To offer an environment to the public that supports exchange and collaboration among performance artists and audiences from diverse cultures and artistic backgrounds. To educate the public and the art community in performance art by staging live performances, on the floor, dissolving the boundary between artist and viewer, and conducting public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures, or other similar programs.


  • Raquel Du Toit [NYC] 2023 - President

    Quinn Dukes [CA/NY] 2016 - Present (Vice- president /Co-Secretary)

    Erik Hokanson [NYC] 2013 - Present (Treasurer)

    Sara Kostiç [Serbia/NYC] 2023 - Present (Co-Secretary)

    Jill McDermid [NYC] (Chairperson Emeritus)

  • Aram Kirkham

    Julia Hsia

  • Joseph Ravens

    Andrea Pagnes [Italy/Germany]

    Martha Wilson

    김광철 GIm Gwang Cheol [South Korea]

    Chen Jin [China]

    Linda Mary Montano

    Annie M. Sprinkle

    Elizabeth Stephens

    Marilyn Arsem

    Guillermo Gomez-Peña

  • Arantxa Araujo - Managing Director

    Jill McDermid - Artistic Director

    Tench Cholnoky - Production Manager

    Alice Kazal - Communications Manager

    Alex Romania - Videographer

    Miao Jiaxin - Photographer

    Maira Duarte - Artist in Residence