Situated around Nile and Malcolm’s emergent art installation, Nile will curate a night of performances of Black artists working in the intersections of poetry, movement, and sound. Continuing on his investigation of the “anti-poetics” of healing, the evening asks, “What does it take to be okay at the end of the world? And how does coming together provide a balm for our contemporary metaverse of isolation?”
Nile Harris
is a director and curator of live works of art. He has done a few things and hopes to do a few more, God willing.
Alexander Paris
is a Brooklyn-based performance artist with experience in acting, playwriting, storytelling, standup, drag, design, curation, and creative direction.
Crackhead Barney
is an American performance artist and ambush interviewer. She shares video of satirical interviews on social media as a viral interview show titled Crackhead Barney and Friends.